Vision & Mission
To become a center of educational excellence for empowering women in a variety of ways by realizing their capabilities so that they can take their rightful place in the society

Sri Damacharla Anjaneyulu &

Principal Message
Education plays a key role in the overall development of the society. The true goal of education transcends much beyond just awarding degree and certificate to the students. The ultimate goal of education is the discovery of the meaning of life and the fulfilment of life and all mankind as well as for oneself.
Schedule for Payment of Revaluation Fee for V Sem Regular and Supplemetary U.G. Courses of February, 2023 Examination
ANU- Degree Exams – UG 6th Semester Regular Examinations June/July 2023. Powered By EmbedPress
Schedule For Payment of Revaluation fee for III Sem Regular and Supplymentary U.G. Courses of February, 2023 Examinations Powered By EmbedPress
ANU- Degree Exams- UG 2nd Semester Regular and Supplementary Examinations and 2nd semseter One time Opportunity (Y15 batch only) Examinations July/August 2023 …
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ANU UG 5th Semester Exam Regular and Supplementary Results February 2023 Click here to see the Results
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ANU UG 3rd Sem Exam Results Feb 2023 To see the result click here
In Damacharla Sakkubayamma government college for women, the State bank of India, RBO, Ongole in Collaboration with NSS, Medical Inspection Committee and …
Department of Zoology in collaboration with IQAC conducted a workshop on “Animal Science Model Crafting” from 15th September to 16th September 2023.The …
Departments of Life Sciences and Chemistry in collaboration with IQAC conducted a National workshop on “Foldscope Odyssey: Discovering the miniature World” on …
A Program on “Basic Life Support” was conducted by Medical Inspection Committee, NSS and the department of Zoology on 29th August 2023. …
స్థానిక డి ఎస్ ప్రభుత్వ మహిళా డిగ్రీ కళాశాలలో తెలుగు శాఖ ఆధ్వర్యంలో తెలుగు భాషా దినోత్సవం ఘనంగా నిర్వహించబడింది. ప్రభుత్వ ఆదేశానుసారము వారం రోజులు తెలుగు భాష వారోత్సవాలు …
Plantation Programme on World Nature Conservation Day Previous Next
One day Nation Workshop on “OBE: CO-PO Attainment & Computation” Powered By EmbedPress
The international women’s day was celebrated on 08-03-2022, at DSGDCW ONGOLE. Sri P. Anji Reddy, Vice chancellor of Andhra Kesari University was …
Department of Political Science and History Celebrated the Birth Anniversary of అమరజీవి పొట్టి శ్రీరాములు in DS Government degree College on March 16, 2023.
On the occasion of National Deworming day NSS, Medical Inspection Committee in collaboration with UPHC, Vengamukkapalem distributed Albendazole tablets to all our …
Our Supporting Services

The Department of History was established in the academic year 1984-1985 with Hisory , Political science and Economics as allied combination. The medium of instruction is English. The intake capacity of the Students to History Department is 40.
Department of History
The department of Economics was established in the D.S.GDC(W) in the year 1985.The vision of the department is to improve the strength and results gradually. The mission of the Department is to enrich the students’ knowledge update and also improve the employment generation .
Department of Economics
The Department of Political Science was established in the academic year 1984-1985 with Hisory , Political science and Economics as allied combination.The vision of the department is to improve the strength and results gradually. The mission of the Department is to enrich the students’ knowledge update and also improve the employment generation .
Department of Political Science
The department shall endeavour to promote entrepreneurial culture and develop accounting and managerial skills of the students to enable them to meet the challenges of contemporary business environment.
Department of Commerce
The Department of Mathematics was established in the academic year 1984-85 with Physics and Chemistry as allied combinations. Later the combination Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science was sanctioned in the academic year 1992-199.
Department of Mathematics
The Department of Physics was established in the academic year 1991-92 with mathematics and chemistry as allied combinations and Restructured course was started with group combinations of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science 1991-92..
Department of Physics
It is the mission of the department to give young women with access to an education of sufficient caliber so that they may participate in the growth and development of the nation.
Department of Chemistry
The Department of Computers was established in the academic year 1991-92 with mathematics and physics as allied combinations and Cloud Computing course was started with group combinations of Mathematics, Computer science and Cloud computing in 2020. M.Sc Computer Science course was started in 2022
Department of Computer Science
Vision & Mission
1.To dscover, maintain and transmit knowledge concerning basic plant biology and privide leadership in the biological sciences.
2.The Well being of the common man througu study of plant science.
Department of Botany
Vision & Mission
1.To prepare responsible trained manpower in animal sciences,teachingband research.
2. To sensitize human society for animalwelfare, conservation and protection of biodiversity.
Department of Zoology