
Key Indicator 1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1.1: Effective Curricular Planning and Delivery
S.NoType of the DocumentView Document
1Academic Calendars2017-22
3Departmental Action Plan2017-22
4Curricular Plans2017-22
5Teaching Synopsis2017-22
6Teaching Diaries2017-22
7Remedial coaching2017-22
8Online Classes2017-22
9Bridge Course2017-22
10Field Trip2017-22
11Certificate Courses2017-22
12Project work2017-22
14Group Discussion2017-22
17Academic & Admn. Audit2017-22
18Continuous Internal Assesment2017-22
19Invited Talks2017-22

Key Indicator 1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1: Certificate Courses and Value Added Programs
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1Certificate Courses2017-22
2Curriculum value added courses2017-19
3List of students for certificate courses2017-18
4Foundation courses student listclick here
5Student marks memos and certificatesCLICK HERE
6Number of value added and certificate coursesClick Here

Key Indicator 1.3 Curricular Enrichment

1.3.1: List of Crosscutting Issues Relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Environment & Sustainability, Human Values in the Curriculum
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1List of Courses with Syllabi Integrating Crosscutting Issues2017-22
2List of students enrolled in Courses integrating Crosscutting Issues2017-22
3List of Activities conducted at the college to address Crosscutting Issues2017-22
4Certificate Courses on Crosscutting issues2017-22
1.3.2 : Project Works / Internships
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1List of Students Involved in Project WorksCLICK HERE

Key Indicator 1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1: Feedback on the Academic Performance and Ambience of the Institution from Stake Holders ( Students, Teachers, Alumni, Parents and Employer )

Academic Year : 2021 - 2022

Academic Year : 2020 - 2021

Academic Year : 2019 - 2020

Academic Year : 2018 - 2019

Academic Year : 2017 - 2018

Key Indicator 2.1: Student Enrollment and Profile

2.1.1: Enrollment Percntage
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1Number of students admitted year wise during last five yearsClick here
2UG Affiliation certificateClick here
3PG Affiliation certificateClick here
2.1.2: Percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories
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1Number of seats sanctioned and Actual Students Admitted from the Reserved Categories Year WiseClick here
2Govt. of A.P Reservations/NotIfication of Online admissions - Rule of ReservationsClick here

Key Indicator 2.2: Student Teacher Ratio

2.2.1: Student - Full Time Teacher Ratio
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1List of students enrolled during 2021-22Click here
2List of Full time teachers in the college during 2021-22Click here

Key Indicator 2.3: Teaching Learning Process

2.3.1: Student Centric Methods

The college adopts student centric pedagogical strategies such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem-solving methodologies using ICT tools. At the beginning of the academic year all the departments shall submit departmental action plans incorporating all the curricular and extracurricular activities planned to organise during the year.

This institute focuses on student-centred methods to improve students’ lifelong learning skills. The faculty members use the student-centred techniques listed below to try to make the learning process more engaging.

S.NoActivity namelink to document
1Project WorksClick here
2Community Service ProjectsClick here
3Field VisitsClick here
4Guest LecturesClick here
5Role PlayClick here
6Debates, Essay writing and ElocutionClick here
7Poster PresentationClick here
8ExhibitionClick here
9WorkshopsClick here
10WebinarsClick here
12QuizzesClick here
13Group DiscussionsClick here
14Case StudyClick here
15AssignmentsClick here
Additional Information
Additional Information
1Remedial coaching2017-182018-192019-202020-212021-22
2Bridge Course2017-182018-192019-202020-212021-22
3ICT FacilitiesClick here
4Teaching and Learning using ICT toolsClick here
5Screen shots & Video links - Online classes using Various platformsClick here
6ICT tools - Log book showing the record of teacher taking classesClick here

Key Indicator 2.4: Teacher Profile and Quality

2.4.1: Full time teachers against sanctioned seats during last five years
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1Percentage of full ime teachers against sanctioned postsClick here
2.4.2 : Full Time Teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D.
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1Percentage of  full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D. year wise during last five yearsClick here
Additional Information
1Ph.D./NET/SET/SLET certificates of teachersClick here

Key Indicator 2.5: Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1: Mechanism of Internal / External Assessment
S.NoEvaluation ProcessType of DocumentView Document
1Mechanism of Internal Assessment1.SOP for CIAClick Here
2. Internal Exam CircularsClick Here
3. CIA Reports of DepartmentsClick Here
4. Question PapersClick Here
5. Answer ScriptsClick Here
6. Student Seminars2017-18
7. AssignmentsClick here
8. Clean And Green Activities By StudentsClick Here
2Mechanism of External Assessment1. Academic CalendarsClick Here
2. External Exam Time TablesClick Here
3Grievance Redressal System1. External assessment Click Here
2. Internal AssessmentClick Here

Key Indicator 2.6: Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1: Programme outcomes (POs) and Course outcomes (COs) for all programmes offered by the institution are stated and displayed on website and attainment of POs and COs are evaluated.
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1CO PO MAPPINGclick here
2Program Outcomes (POs)click here
3Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)click here
4POs, PSOs, COs, Attainmentclick here
2.6.2: Pass Percentage of Students
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1Number of students who appeared and passed the University examination year wise during the last five yearsClick here

Key Indicator 3.1: Resourse Mobilization for Research

3.1.1: Grants Received from Government and Non Government Agencies
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1Grants Received for Researchclick here

Key Indicator 3.2: Innovation Eco System

3.2.1: Eco System for Innovation
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1Eco SystemClick here
3.2.2: List of Workshops / Seminar / Conferences conducted by College
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1Workshops / Seminars / Conferences2021-22

Key Indicator 3.3: Research Publication and Awards

3.3.1: Eco System for Innovation
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1Number of Research Papers Published in UGC CARE ListClick Here
3.3.2: List of Books and Edited Chapters
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1Number of Edited books / Chapters / ConferencesClick here

Key Indicator 3.4: Extension Activities

3.4.1: Extension activities carried out in the various communities by the college
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1Extension activities2017-18
3.4.2: Awards and Recognitions recieved for extension activities
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1Awards/ Appreciation certificatesClick here
3.4.3: Extension and outreach programs conducted by NCC/ NSS/ Redcross etc..
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1Extension and Outreach programsClick hereClick Here

Key Indicator 3.5: Collaboration

3.5.1: MoUs, Collaborations/ Linkages for faculty exchange / Internships/ Field trip/ Academic activities
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1MoUs ,Collaborations and it's activitiesClick Here

Key Indicator 4.1: Physical Facilities

4.1.1: Physical Infrastructure and ICT Facilities
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1Infrastructure FacilitiesClick Here
2ICT FacilitiesClick Here
3LaboratoriesClick Here
4Sports FacilitiesClick Here
5Utilisation CertificatesClick Here

Key Indicator 4.2: Library as Learning Resource

4.2.1: Library Management
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1Library Management SystemClick Here
2E-ResourcesClick Here
3Expenditure on Books and JournalsClick Here
4Daily Usage of LibraryClick Here

Key Indicator 4.3: IT Infrastructure

4.3.1: IT Facilities
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1IT Facilities-Internet Connection BandwidthClick Here
4.3.2: Student - Computer Ratio
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1Student-Computer RatioClick Here

Key Indicator 4.4: Maintainance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1: Expenditure on Maintainance of Infrastructure
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1Physical and Academic InfrastructureClick Here

Key Indicator 5.1: Student Support

5.1.1: Student scholarships/ freeships
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1Scholorships and FreeshipsClick Here
5.1.2 : Capacity Building and Skills Enhancement Initiatives
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1Soft skills/ Lannguage and Communication skills/ ICT, Computing skills, Life Skills (Yoga, Physical Fitness, Health and Hygiene)Click Here
5.1.3 : Students benefitted by guidance for Competitive examinations and career counseling offered
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1Students benefited by guidance for Competitive exams and Career counselingClick Here
5.1.4: Students Grievance Redressal
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1Students Grievance RedressalClick Here

Key Indicator 5.2: Student Progression

5.2.1: Student Progression
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1Number of outgoing students Placements / Higher EducationClick Here
2Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations year wise during last five years (eg: IIT/JAM/NET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/GPAT/CLAT/CAT/ GRE/TOEFL/ IELTS/Civil Services/State government examinations etc.)Click Here

Key Indicator 5.3: Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1: Awards/Medals in Sports/Cultural events
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1Number of Awards/Medals for Outstanding Performance in Sports/Cultural ActivitiesClick Here
5.3.2 : Average number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participated during the last five years
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1Number of sports and cultural programs in which students of the Institution participatedClick Here

Key Indicator 5.4: Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 : Alumni
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1Alumni Association-Registration CertificateClick Here
2Alumni AssociationMeetingsClick Here
3Summary of contributions for the development of the collegeClick Here

Key Indicator 6.1: Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1: Governance and Leadership
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1GovernanceClick Here
2Perspective PlanClick Here

Key Indicator 6.2: Strategy development and Deployment

6.2.1: Functioning of Institutional Bodies
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1Institutional Bodies and Employee Service RulesClick Here
2Perspective PlanClick Here
6.2.2: E - Governance
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1E-Governance PolicyClick Here
2E- Governance Implementation Areas (Adminstration, Finance and Accounts, Student Admission Support, Examinations)Click Here

Key Indicator 6.3: Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1: Staffs' Welfare Measures and Performance Appraisal System
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1Welfare Measures for the StaffClick Here
2Performance Appraisal SystemClick Here
6.3.3 : Staff Participation in FDP and Other Training Programs
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1Brochures year wiseClick Here
2Reports Year wiseClick Here
3FDPs, OCs, RCs, MOOCS and Other Training Programs2017-18
4Annual Reports

Key Indicator 6.4: Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1: Institution Strtegies for Mobilization and Utilisation of Resources
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1Resource Mobilisation and UtilitiesClick Here

Key Indicator 6.5 : Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1: IQAC Contribution
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1IQACClick Here
6.5.2: Quality Initiatives
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1Quality Initiatives and RecognitionsClick Here

Key Indicator 7.1: Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1: Gender Equity Programs
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1Gender PolicyClick here
2Measures for Gender EquityClick Here
7.1.2: Environmental Initiatives
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1Energy ConservationClick Here
2Waste ManagementClick Here
3Water ConservationClick Here
4Green InitiativesClick Here
5Disabled friendly InitiativesClick Here
7.1.3: Quality Audit on Environment and Energy
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1Energy AuditClick Here
2Green AuditClick Here
3Environment  AuditClick Here
4Clean and Green Campus InitiativesClick Here
5Beyond the campus promotion activitiesClick Here
7.1.4: Initiatives for Inclusive environment
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1CulturalClick Here
2Regional and LinguisticClick Here
3ConstitutionalClick Here

Key Indicator 7.2: Best Practices

7.2.1: Institutional Best Practices
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1Best Practices 1Click Here
2Best Practices 2Click Here

Key Indicator 7.3: Institutional Distictiveness

7.3.1: Institutional Distctiveness
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1Institutional DistctivenessClick Here